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The Liebster Award – Spread the love!

Last updated April 2nd, 2019

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by our friends at Three Chatty Cats! A big thank you to Rachel and her three rescue kitties, Sophie, Olive and Dexter. She manages an amazing blog which highlights cat rescues and shelters and their life-saving efforts. A very informative blog and worth checking out.
I’m new to the cat blogosphere and did not have a clue as to what this award was about. After some digging around, the Liebster Award is a way of giving recognition to fellow bloggers starting out, a means of discovering other new blogs, growing your audience and building a sense of community. It’s a virtual award from fellow bloggers who think your blog is worthy of recognition, and that is something fantastic actually. Please note, my nominees are by no means obligated to accept or participate, but either way, if I picked your blog it’s because I think it’s pretty cool.

The Liebster Award rules:
Share some random interesting facts about yourself.
Answer 11 questions provided to you by your nominator.
Nominate 11 blogs and present them with 11 questions.

For the record, number 1 was somewhat daunting because when I started my blog, I always thought that I would forever hide comfortably behind my Chirpycats logo! So, without further procrastination, here goes!

Random interesting facts about me:
  1. I make cat sculptures from my homemade cold porcelain recipe.
  2. I have a BA in Fine Art and graphic design, way back before Photoshop became a verb. (common usage today: “Oh my! That pic is so photoshopped!”)
  3. I have travelled with my two cats to cat shows in Ireland and England. My oldest boy is a Tara Grand Premier and won his title in 2003.
  4. There are tremendous benefits to having very long arms: Having a reach advantage in kickboxing and the ability to sweep off snow from the roof of my car reaching all the way to the other side. A very handy skill in our harsh Montreal winters. Which reminds me of my next point….
  5. I’m South African, and winter makes me wonder why I’m here, sweeping 30cm of snow off my car when I could be swimming with penguins on a beach in Cape Town. Oh, I forgot, I married a Canadian and voluntarily moved here!
  6. I have lived in various countries: Glasgow, Scotland, a nation of super friendly people; Zurich, Switzerland, where the scent of Lindt chocolate pervaded the air on my way home; and Letterkenny, Ireland, in the beautiful County Donegal which was my home for five years.
  7. Pet peeve: opening plastic wrapping. I have lost count of the many times I’ve injured myself through wrap rage! (yes, there’s a name for it)
  8. I still find it hard to use North American spelling. Spot it in italics in number 3.
  9. I do cartoon voices and have a voice for each cat. Yes, my husband thinks I’m a complete nutter.
  10. I love musicals and have also performed in local Irish productions in Letterkenny, Ireland.
  11. I hate the gym. But train on a heavy bag in our garage. It’s way better to have cats as purrrsonal trainers. Have you ever tried planking with a cat on your back?
    My Answers:
  1. How many pets have you had in your life? When I was growing up I always had cats, but on average I have been guardian to two cats per decade of my life. Funny though, the number is increasing with each decade.
  2. What is the farthest place from home you’ve traveled?
    Where I live right now, Canada! That’s very far from my penguin colony on a beach in Cape Town.
  3. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
    That’s simple. Coffee in the morning, lots of it, and tea in the afternoon.
  4. When did you start your blog? Mentally, I started it five years ago, bouncing ideas around in my head. Technically, I set it up in 2014, but then alas, life got in the way! In January 2016 I dusted off all the mental cobwebs and started afresh.
  5. Why did you start your blog?
    I wanted to share my knowledge and experience about everything feline, in the hopes that more people will adopt cats and see what awesome pets they are. Wait, the internet has already done that, oh well, you can never have too many blogs about cats!
  6. What is your favorite snack food? Chips! Forget chocolate, I am addicted to chips and I would have it as cereal if I could. It’s really my one bad eating habit.
  7. What is your social media of choice (if any)? I do like Facebook, but in January 2016 I’ve joined the Instagram and Twitter clan and love it. Catastic App is definitely the hot spot to be for cat lovers, it’s essentially Instagram for cats.
  8. What house of Hogwarts would you be sorted into? I have not seen Harry Potter so I cheated and took an online test for this one. The results came back as Ravenclaw – “You’re clever and wise. Your friends often come to you to get advice because you always know what to say. Your creativity allows you to look at things in an out-of-the-box way. And your wit makes you a pleasure to be around.” Okay, it all sounds good then.
  9. What’s your favorite season and why?
    Spring! It’s that time of the year when the snow melts and unearths the promise of new ideas, when my year really starts to take shape. I start planning my cat garden and think of all the exciting new varieties for the perfect kitty snacking buffet.
  10. What’s the last movie you saw or book you read?
    The last book, “The Dalai Lama’s Cat” by David Michie
My Nominees for The Liebster Award (in no specific order)
  1. Why Cat Why – A funny cat blog that answers curious questions like “why does my cat do this”?
  2. Six Cats, One Dude – This one is obvious.
  3. Petit Pawz – A cat rescue group in Montreal
  4. Romeo The Cat – They help raise money for rescues and shelters
  5. Cat Lady Confidential – Cat culture and lifestyle blog for modern cat lovers
  6. Companion Animal Psychology – The science of peoples’ relationship with their pets
  7. Cat Mamas – Helping sick cats and their people feel better
  8. Sidewalk Shoes – A lifestyle blog about gardening, books, recipes, photography and oh, cats too!
My questions for my nominees
  1. What’s the thing you enjoy most about blogging?
  2. What prompted you to start blogging?
  3. What is your idea of a dream vacation?
  4. When given a choice of movies what’s your cup of tea? Horrors, dramas, crime or comedy?
  5. Your second favourite animal, other than your pet?
  6. What do you consider the most important meal of the day and why?
  7. What is your pet peeve?
  8. Are you a chirpy morning person or a night owl?
  9. Do you have any phobias?
  10. Which one would you rather do, the cooking or the grocery shopping?

That about wraps it up. I look forward to reading some responses from my nominees if you wish to participate!

Baggy the kitty

Mr Baggy and his human friend

About the author

The Lady Cat

Whiskers make me smile.
Coffee is good for you.
And cats are for life.
Helping cats live enriched lives with their people.
(Yasaar Nakchbendi)


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  • Sooo nice to learn about you!! Yep this award has been around for quite some time (it’s for newer bloggers!) What part of South Africa are you from? My Grandfather was from Johannesburg. Love your background, I majored in Rhetoric in College but originally was going to be an art major, thanks for introducing us to Catastic, I think I need to check that out! catchatwithcarenandcody

  • I loved reading more about you! I can’t wait for the Cat Art tab. Wrap rage… hehe. I will be visiting each of the blogs you nominated. The only one I currently follow is Cat Lady Confidential. So I’m glad to learn about more!

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