A watering hole for a splashing good time

We invite the grass grazers and
The water lovers to meet at the new
Watering hole. Kitties, come
Meditate, gossip or play at the Cat Grass Pond!

How to Make This Unique and Simple Cat Grass Pond Using Water Beads

cat grass pond with water beads and robot fish

Last updated on November 25th, 2021 at 01:51 pm

Make this interactive grass pond for your cat using water beads to grow the cat grass. No soil needed. Dress up the grass pond with some robot fish and surprise your cat with a unique and fun cat enrichment experience.

When you find yourself stuck indoors, your cats might be judging your every move… or smothering you to bits! Either way, if you’re going to do this “stay at home” thing right, there is a whole lot you can do to improve the bond between you and your cat. Sure, plenty of extra snuggles are wonderful but let’s examine a cat enrichment ‘cativity‘ that would make your cat say, “She’s a keeper.”

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Materials needed
Step-by-step instructions

Why your cat would love a grass pond

In the past, my DIY tutorials included holiday-themed cat toys, a festive watering hole, and a Spring Oasis lounge to enrich our cat’s senses. There is one element that remains consistent in all of these cat enrichment themes, and that is water.

Is your cat drinking enough water?

We know that cat hydration is so important but trying to encourage your cat to drink water is quite a challenge. In every cat household, there is at least one cat that turns up his whiskers at a boring, stagnant water bowl. Our Charlie boy is one of them.

For some cats, if the water is not moving, or if it’s placed next to their food dish, it will probably be avoided. Hydration avoidance is real! Cats evolved from their wild ancestors that were desert dwellers and they got most of their hydration from their prey. Many domestic house cats are fed dry food for convenience’s sake which offers little in the way of hydration.


Most of our cats love water fountains and we have a few of these ‘watering holes’ interspersed between several different glass bowls at various watering stations around the house. We also call them ‘fountains of youth.’ Yes, we’re a little obsessed with cat hydration!

I also love having a constant supply of cat grass for the cat salad bar stations which include different cat grasses near the water fountains.. Interestingly, I have also noticed the grass grazers will wash it down with a little drink at the fountain.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? What better way to merge these two elements than by making a cat grass pond! So if your water-challenged cat is not into watering hole gossip, a cat grass pond might be an attractive solution to encourage drinking.

cat salad bar eating grass near cat fountain
charlie cat plays with cat grass

Is your cat obsessed with the fishbowl?

Some cats have bad habits and make friends in the wrong places. Take my coworker’s cat Gougou, for example. He loves to drink from the fishbowl. He doesn’t go after the fish, because Gougou is all about love and peace. But while this kitty may have struck up a weird relationship with his fish friend, your cat might have other ideas in mind. There are many opinions about this weird habit and its safety, but if you’re a cat owner who’s frustrated at trying to keep your cats away from the fishbowl, then skip right down to the instructions below!

So what’s so special about a grass pond?

Our cat grass pond is a very simple setup. It comprises a small fishbowl within a large glass bowl filled with water. The fishbowl is the centerpiece containing the cat grass grown in colorful water beads. The finishing touch is adding the interactive robot fish to entertain your cats!

We use glass bowls to achieve the effect of a real fishbowl but the chief attraction is the glass. Why? Because our cats love drinking from our glasses and I’m sure many of your cats do the same! This is a surefire way of tricking your cats to drink from their own “glasses” so to speak and leave yours alone.

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Materials you need for your Cat Grass Pond

NOTE: If you are concerned that your cat may be a little too rambunctious and might break glass, get the plastic versions of these bowls. Also note, the large glass bowl is super thick and quite safe.

I personally used Food To Live wheat berries and find they germinate quickly too! 👍


1. Soak the water beads in water

Soak the different bead colors in separate bowls and allow them to ‘grow’ in the water until they are fully plump and ready to use. My tip: Avoid mixing the bead colors. Keeping the colors separate allows you the option of creating your own palette of color gradients.

colorful gel water beads to grow cat grass
how to grow cat grass using water beads

2. Layer the colors

I normally first place a few heavy river stones at the bottom of the bowl for sturdiness. This acts as an anchor when the bowl is immersed in water and prevents it from bobbing around like a buoy. Then layer it with the water beads in the color palette of your choice.

3. Sow the cat grass seeds

Sprinkle the cat grass seeds directly on top of the water beads. Alternatively, you can also place a grow mat cut in a circle the size of the opening of the fishbowl and place the moistened grow mat on top of the water beads. Sprinkle the seeds on the mat. NOTE: The grow mats prevent the seeds from falling too far below in between the gel water beads and acts as an even bed for even sprouting. After you have sprinkled the seeds evenly over the mats, spray with water.

Check out my Ultimate guide to growing cat grass for more info on growing cat grass.

Soaking the seeds supposed to speed up germination. But in my experience, germination depends on a combination of conditions such as humidity, warmth, sunlight and the grass seed type, etc. You can experiment to see what works best. If you’re in a hurry to get started, soaking is unnecessary.

Cover the top with cling wrap or a plastic cover punched with a few holes for good aeration. Place the bowl in a dark room or cupboard and wait for germination.  Do not allow the seeds to dry out. Spray with a water bottle throughout the day if you can.

Note: you may see some mold growth on the roots due to too much humidity and not enough air circulation. When this happens, just remove the plastic cover for a few hours. The holes in the plastic wrap or cover should prevent this but always avoid overcrowding your seeds.

4. Place the grass in direct sunlight

After about 2 or three days you will notice the pale-colored green shoot on the one end of the seed and a tiny root on the other. Now is the time to uncover and place the cat grass in full sun. And here I really mean as much sunlight as you can get. You can use grow lights, but only for a day or so otherwise you end up with tall leggy grass. After about 5 to 7 days, the grass will be green and ready to be used for the grass pond.

how to make a cat grass pond

5. Fill the pond with water

Position the smaller fishbowl in the center of the larger bowl and fill it with water. I always get excited to see the cats’ reactions when I’m about to present a new enrichment project. For this one, the cats couldn’t wait, especially when adding the robot fish!

Decorate the surrounding grass pond with river stones or your choice of crystals to add to the positive Zen vibes.

6. Add the robot fish!

This is the highlight of your cat grass pond. The lights and the movement activate once you immerse the robot fish in water. Pretty soon the cats gathered around and watering hole gossip took on a new meaning. Some cats were hypnotized, as if meditating, and were drawn in by the clicky sound and flashy lights of the moving fish. Suddenly, after much silence and forethought, a paw would strike out to test the waters. A little sip here, a little graze there. I think the cat grass pond will become a standard cat enrichment watering hole feature at the Chirpy house.

NOTE ABOUT THE ROBOT FISH: I recommend 10-minute sessions at a time. This is more or less the time your cat will be engaged, anyway. Dry the fish and store it in the same packaging. Always supervise your cats while they’re playing with the fish. Do not leave your cat unattended.

robot fish for cats
tortie cat meditating at the fishbowl cat grass pond
“This is so hypnotic, I can watch this all day,” says Scout
tabby cat plays with fish bowl at the indoor cat grass pond
Ollie gets whacky paws
tortie cat and tabby cat playing with robot fish
“I almost got him, Scout! Did you see?!”
Litter-Robot - Black Friday Starts Now
how to make a cat grass pond for your cat
Sly Pie lined up patiently to see what the fuss was all about
curious cat staring at robot fish
Scout always brings her toys to the party. Here it’s her ‘mouse in sheep’s clothing’ toy
grey cat looks at the grass pond fish bowl
Mr. Jack watched the fish from a safe distance. Perhaps he was watching too much Shark Week.

Water bowls don’t have to be boring. With a little creativity and whimsy, you can transform it into a space that’s appealing to the grass grazers and the water drinkers. The cat grass pond is also a wonderful and sneaky way to encourage your cats to drink more water. It may also provide a much-needed distraction and redirect your fish-loving cat away from visiting his scaly housemates.

Watch our video below to see the Chirpies play at their new grass pond

So give the cat in your life something to ponder about and make his very own cat grass pond. Do you think you might give this a try? Please chirp us a line in the comments below!

For more inspiring ways to your cat’s heart pounce on board with us to receive unique and fun DIY cat hacks, environment enrichment tips and lifestyle, reviews and giveaways.

About the author

Chirpy Cats

We are a clowder of cheeky chirpy felines sharing our space with two humans who adore us. We love to share tips on helping cats live enriched lives with their people and other fun cat stuff.


Leave a comment
  • Thanks for taking the time to share this wonderful idea. I have a tortie cat at home and she loves to explore new things all the time. This would be the best for her and the fish will definitely grab her attention. Have a wonderful day.

    • Thanks for pouncing by! These fish was a chance purchase, I wasn’t expecting too much but they turned out to be a winner. Your tortie cat would love it.

    • Funnily though, I thought the Chirpies would be messy but they were quite sober about it lol. Little splashes here and there but not as wild as a catnip pawty lol

    • Thank you! Your chatty crew would definitely love this, I can just picture Sophie being the moderator telling everyone when they get their turns MOL. 😹

  • I would lick water from that bowl and nibble those grasses, too, if it were at my house. I sure hope that Gougou’s momma makes her one of those delights, ’cause then she won’t be licking from water that has been treated for live fishes and possibly make her sick. Fishes can also make water dirty. Tee hee hee. Another grr-eat Chirpy Cats project! I luv you all!

  • Hi there. Thank you so much for this tutorial and all the links really help so I can make one just like it. I know my kitties will absolutely love it. This is the first I’ve heard of the robot fish and I’m so excited to get them now. What a wonderful idea. You are so creative!

    I’m curious about the water beads and if they will be safe for my kitties 🐱 in that they aren’t toxic? Is there something else you might suggest I use in place of them or are they safe and good to use?

    Thank you again!

    • Hi Chelsea! Thanks so much for pouncing by and I hope you get to try this. The water beads are non-toxic, environmentally friendly and reusable. That said, if you have a cat that loves to chew everything, (if your cat has a condition like pica) then use with caution, as with any toy or new object – just supervise your cat. My cats, don’t go after the beads at all. Once a few water beads fell on the tiles and it’s so bouncy and slippery that Charlie had a hard time catching them! Good luck 🙂

  • I tried growing grass on the water beads but after the first day of being in the darkness to germinate the seeds, the beads started loosing water. You couldn’t see the beads thru the colored water. Do you have any suggestions? I bought the beads that you suggested.

    • That is very strange! When the beads lose water, do you mean they are becoming smaller? The beads only shrink in size after two months or so after being exposed to the air without any water. I’m not sure what you mean by not being able to see the beads through the colored water though. I would love for you to email me, by clicking on the contact form or email yas(at)chirpycats(dot)com
      That way you can send me a photo of the beads once I reply 🙂 I hope to hear from you soon 🙂

  • This is the neatest thing I’ve ever seen! I never thought about something like this for my cat but am definitely going to try it. We have a lot of trouble getting our cat to drink enough water. He loves getting outside and eating grass but then it typically makes him sick. Having the right kind of grass and the water with robot fish is genius! Hope mine turns out half as nice as yours. 🙂

  • I tried this for my kittens and they love it. However they are very playful and we’re able to rip the grass seeds out instead of just nibbling at the grass on top like your cats. Do you know how to make it arder for them to rip out the seeds and all?

    • Hi Pauline,
      Thanks for pouncing by 🙂
      So glad the kitties liked it. But yes, some cats are quite voracious grass eaters and sometimes they rip it out, root and all! To prevent this, I use the grow mats. In the post I say it`s optional, because the grass will grow without it. But I find it provides a good anchor/bed for the roots, thus preventing them from being uprooted by enthusiastic chewers! Another tip: If you have these same bowls, I suggest making the mat`s diameter slightly larger than the diameter of opening of the bowl. let me know how it goes 🙂

  • Looks great. I will try this however where or what is the grow mat please? I’m in Australia an image of what this is would help me heaps. Thanks 🐾🐾🐾🐾

  • Love your website !, so many great ideas..I’m working on a salad bar & now I’m goin to do this grass pond..you are catastic with your ideas..

  • This is such a cute idea! Once the grass has all (or mostly) been eaten, do you add more seeds directly to the existing grass mat to sprout more as needed or do you need to start the project again/should keep two bowls growing to not run out?

  • Gotta do this for my Jack!! thank You so much for sharing this creative idea. He gets bored inside and loves to be outside. But when we get rainy weather gotta have something to entertain him. I already gave him those fish as a Christmas present. I think I just need to get the grass part and a large bowl. But I think I have everything else 🙂

    • Hi Janelle,

      Thanks for pouncing by! Yes, the grass just adds another level of enrichment for them. Some like to play with the play, some just watch meditatively, and others like to chew the grass lol
      I’m sure your Jack would love it!

    • The polymers used to make waterbeads are non-toxic to kids and pets. In addition, the beads are firmly rooted in the bowl so it’s not exposed above the bowl. But even if kitty did get to any of the beads, it’s fine. That said, if your cat has pica, or has a habit of eating non-edible items, then always supervise your cat during play. Thanks for pouncing by! 😉

  • Would I be able to use other plants instead of the grass? I was thinking maybe parsley? I have a really hard time keeping cat grass alive.

    • Yes, parsley is perfectly fine. You could also try some microgreens such as sunflower, broccoli or bean sprouts. But also just a note about cat grass, eventually it will die off. The most my tubs of grass have lasted is about 4 weeks. Also, if you trim your cat grass grass after say 2 weeks, I find this encourages growth from the un-germinated seeds in the pot. Goodluck! 🙂

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