Meowvelous Monday Haiku: Cool breezes and catwalk sneakers
Last updated January 12th, 2019
Stop and take a deep breath. Can you feel it in your whiskers? Yes, that’s the cool air of Fall puffing up your fur so you walk around looking like the King of your castle. And why not?
A confident cat is a happy cat, I say!
I also heard via the cat vine that humans also get all puffed up when the weather turns cold. Is that true?
My friends and I are strutting our stuff and owning our little nooks, highways, platforms and catwalks as the leaves blow away and wave goodbye. So watch out for me. I’m the happy grey puffy tabby cat sneaking up on you around the corner on the cat vine bridge. Don’t worry, I only ambush with a chirrup and a head boop.
I’d like to take you on a brief journey into our lair with my Autumn edition of Meowvelous Monday Haiku. please tell us, where are YOU sneaking around and into these days?
Head bonks from Mr. Jack and the Chirpies xx
Love all your haikus and beautiful kitty photos! I’m not one for cooler temps but it is what it is! At least ours shouldn’t be anything like yours! LOL!
Linda Arthur Tejera recently posted…Curious Wordless Wednesday
Thank you! We don’t like the cold much at all! But I’ll be escaping it and flying to the Southern Hemisphere soon when “winter is coming”! Yay!
Another round of beautiful haikus! Thank you, Mr. Jack! Head boops all around!
oh Mr.Jack I just want to cuddle and kiss that ADORABLE face!!!!! xoxo
I enjoyed those haikus. And seeing you too, of course!
Fall is more than breezy here, it took a huge elevated planter, filled with soil and three tall pineapple sage plants, and keeled it right over! OMC. That has not evfur happened before, those sometimes regular planters might get blown over… But it was nice and sunny, which off set the temps being in the 40’s.
(Around 7C.) A good sigh=n that it is fall around here is the clunk or thud of the walnuts crashing down from their lofty heights…some of themm are the size of tennis balls, wow.
Dalton/Angel-MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Angel-Minko recently posted…Rainy Day Selfies: When The Sun Came Out Of Hiding
ME! ME! I’ll take the tour! I admire your dedication to enrich our cats’ lives.
mommakatandherbearcat recently posted…Not my circus, but yes, they are my monkeys
Thank you, thank you, dear friend!
That’s such a great tour! Hey, somebody stole our leaves, well, most of them. I think whoever did it stuck some of them in the gutters!
What a great tour ! Enjoy your outdoor time ! Purrs
The Swiss Cats recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
And head bonks and “Mew Mews” back at yah, Mr. Jack. I bet you enjoy witnessing the change of seasons and colors from your catio. Those leaves sure make for good cover when you’re trying to be sneaky! Nose kisses!