Tag - funny cats

How to make your own joy when your friend is being a sourpuss.
5 things I learned about making a bed with cats

How to make your own joy when your friend is being a sourpuss.

Hello furriends! I am delighted to introduce our first Caturday Voodle and we hope you like it!

What the cat is a #caturdayvoodle, you may ask?

As some of you may know most Caturdays we feature Caturday Doodles which include drawings of our unique ‘cat-pinions’ and other catitudes. Since we like doing cat videos too, we have created a new segment in Cat Fun called Caturday Voodles which will include some funny little video and voice snippets of us Chirpies doing what we do best; whether it’s causing mischief, playing with our toys, snoozing, playing patty-cake and other fun cat stuff. As we always insist that our voices be heard, our Caturday Voodles also include our unique voices too! So there you have it, that’s a Caturday Voodle!

But enough jabbering on about that! I want to share with you why I feel inspired.

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5 things I learned about making a bed with cats

Most cat owners know all too well the daily struggle of making a bed with cats lurking about. There you are removing the bedding, shaking out the sheets and cats come from all corners of the house to make a mad dash for the bed to pounce and ‘tent’ under flying sheets. Cats have a built-in radar for hearing the rustle of sheets and bedding no matter where they are in the house.

“Someone’s making the bed, let’s go pawticipate!”

The more you shake out the sheet, the more excited your cat becomes, thinking this game is most definitively ten times better than that silly wriggly new toy you had bought last week. On a cat’s list of things to do, only ‘boxing’ or sitting in a box, tops ‘helping the human make bed’, which comes in at a close second.

These are the 5 things I learned about making the bed with the help of cats

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