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What's so special about sunflowers?

We love their cheery and uplifting faces.

Caturday Art: Summer mane in bloom

Last updated January 14th, 2018

Happy Caturday furriends! Jimmy is the subject of today’s Caturday Doodle, wearing a sunflower hat and like most cats, Jimmy doesn’t like wearing hats. For our Canada Day post photo shoot, his hat lasted a mere six seconds on his head! We also have one of those lion hats for cats and no way was that going on his head. So I thought I would be sneaky and draw him wearing a sunflower mane. There are quite a few outdoor cats around our area sporting their summer ‘lion cut’ and this is as close to a lion cut that Jimmy will get. So this gets me wondering, do your cats like wearing hats? Anyway, back to the sunflower and why we love it…

Jimmy the cat, cat wearing sunflower hat

“As long as the furless lady cat doesn’t put anything on my head, I approve this drawing” (Jimmy)

What’s so special about sunflowers anyway?

Everything! It’s almost the end of summer and there’s a whole lot of activity in the catio garden. Bees are pollinating, birds sing and those garden bandits, the beloved squirrels, are waiting in line for some ripe sunflower seeds. We like to plant giant sunflowers each summer, where they grow on the perimeter of the catio, creating shade for kitties on a hot summer’s day, as well as gracing us with their smiling bright faces. There is something so childlike and innocent about the modest sunflower, yet something so powerful and majestic at the same time. As we enjoy the garden with the kitties, the giant sunflower blooms are not shy with their showy bright petals as they follow the sun until sunset, making their cheery presence known. Sunflowers are incredibly easy to grow and just need some staking as they climb their way up very rapidly. They are non-toxic to cats and most animals, so plant away!


Smiling sunflowers put on a cheery show all day long for the cats and the humans.

Artwork created using an iPad and drawing stylus called Pencil.

We are joining the Caturday Art blog hop, presented by Athena Cat Goddess.



About the author

Chirpy Cats

We are a clowder of cheeky chirpy felines sharing our space with two humans who adore us. We love to share tips on helping cats live enriched lives with their people and other fun cat stuff.


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