Caturday Doodles

Weekly snippets of funny and informative
cat stories featuring drawings and doodles
illustrated by The Lady Cat, inspired by the Chirpies!

Happy Holidays from All the Chirpies!
Caturday Art: The Making of Sarabi the Cat Sculpture
How to change the world with one unique paw shake
Scratching Post Love Notes From An Old Couple
Scratching Post Secrets Revealed week #3
Scratching Post Secrets Revealed Week #2
Cat Communication: Scratching Post Secrets Revealed
Embrace the Earth With Kit Gloves
How not to grow catnip, this kitty has it all wrong!
How to survive trips to the vet with your head held high

Caturday Art: The Making of Sarabi the Cat Sculpture

cat sculpture cold porcelain

One of my other passions is makings things by hand and seeing how it transforms into something new.

Whether it’s getting my hands dirty in the garden and watching things grow, or shaping a piece of clay and seeing what it becomes. Many of my Caturday Doodles are digital drawings. I like doing digital art, but much like the red dot means for cat, you can feel it but can’t touch it. Making sculptures is such a tactile medium and is literally ‘hands-on.’  Building those layers and shaping a piece of art is the most relaxing way to spend your weekend! It’s even sweeter when the subject is my all time favorite muse, cats! What else?  Read More

How to change the world with one unique paw shake

There’s a heck of a lot of things I could do if I had thumbs, real thumbs. I could use the can opener to feed myself when the humans drag their heels serving us breakfast, I could take up crafts and make my own cat toys. And stealing catnip from the treat cupboard would be like taking a ball of yarn from a kitten. It’s What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day and cats and dogs around the world are taking this day to think about the many tasks that we could accomplish if we had opposable thumbs.

Humans are primates and have thumbs which they think give them a certain superiority over Felis Silvestris Catus. But don’t get too smug about your thumbs, human, because I have something special too. 

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Scratching Post Love Notes From An Old Couple

They couldn’t be more different. She with her slim athletic build and long Bengal limbs, agile light-footed paws and non-stop chatter, Sarabi has no mute button. Earl Grey, on the other hand, will charm you with his almost silent meow, sometimes manifesting as a raspy croak or squeak, one of his most endearing traits. While she would flit about like a paper kite, he is never in any hurry to go anywhere, even in his youth.

Earl Grey and Sarabi have known each other all their lives and are longtime cuddle buddies. You will not see the one sleeping without the other. Whether they are spooning, lying in yin-yang position or just grooming, these two oldies will make their space on the couch each evening. But for a couple that is so bonded they have always had their ‘arguments.’ I don’t think he likes it when she screams her head off while running up and down the stairs playing fetch with her mouse. In fact, he would often intercept her game by biting her on her neck as if to say “Be quiet or I stop your game!” Funnily she would heed his request and continue the game without a peep. Read More

Scratching Post Secrets Revealed week #3

scratching post secrets revealed

Pixie, Please let sleeping cats lie!

There is nothing more annoying than that overzealous friend wanting you to join her for Zumba at the crack of dawn and all you want to do is sleep in. And what about that roommate who oversteps the boundaries and helps himself to your week’s supply of yogurt in one sitting? When it comes to our cats, their relationships with each other are no different. So what’s a cat to do when his housemate wants to play and he wants to sleep? Well, you scratch a sticky note text on your scratching post, of course! Read More

Scratching Post Secrets Revealed Week #2

Cats Scratch Their Sticky Note Texts

Cat siblings have an awful lot to say to each other. In last week’s Caturday Doodle, Ollie made it known that he was not happy with Charlie taking all the treats so he left a kitty sticky note text on the scratching post, as cats do. We thought it would be fun to gather some sticky notes from other cats too and we were happy to see the sticky notes from all sorts of opinionated and disgruntled kitties pouring in.

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Cat Communication: Scratching Post Secrets Revealed

A scratching post is a vital communication tool used by cats and is also their podium for leaving little scent messages for their fellow feline housemates. 

Cat communicating text messages on his scratching post

“Charlie, stop stealing my treats” signed, Ollie

The Silent Treatment

Cats display an array of vocalizations for cat-human communication but when it comes to communicating with other cats, they give each other the silent treatment. In the world of cats this is not a bad thing, in fact, their world is rich with scent messages and stimuli which they are busy decoding every second. Imagine how rich their scent vocabulary must be to be able to establish their little cat hierarchies and time-sharing schedules in their multi-cat homes. Cats will generally avoid confrontation and would rather just leave a little scent message to their housemates to get a point across. They certainly do have lots to say to each other and in order to live happy and enriched lives with their feline housemates and people, they need a platform to communicate their feelings, viewpoints, and grievances.

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Embrace the Earth With Kit Gloves

earth day cat cartoon save the planet
Jimmy wants to remind you that the earth is fragile and we all need to do our bit and use our natural resources wisely.

“What did those last grains of rice do to you?”

To this day I hear my mother’s voice in my head, reprimanding us kids for leaving the last few morsels of food on our plates. She used to make frozen food parcels for the homeless from good leftovers. The parcels were even personalized for those whom she knew had dogs and would be labeled, “for Terrance and McGuyver (his dog)”. This duo was one of our regulars and they used to sit on the curb enjoying whatever it was, that was once a family meal. In our home, food and water wastage were a big no-no.

As a teenager, I used to roll my eyes and think what a nuisance they are, these vagabonds, who kept coming back like a colony of stray cats. Grumbling under my breath, I would be ordered to make them peanut butter sandwiches when there were no leftovers to give. How selfish was I, who thought that only my little bubble was all that mattered?

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How not to grow catnip, this kitty has it all wrong!

Hello, friends! It’s me Sly Pie. You might be wondering why I’m sitting here in the catnip basket. Well, my friend Ollie told me that if I sit in the basket long enough, I will incubate the catnip seeds so that it will germinate quickly! I’m not quite sure about that but it’s worth a try. I’ll do anything for catnip!

happy easter catnip basket


Easter time is exciting for us because we know that very soon we will have our colorful kitty jungle in the catio. The Big Lady Cat always talks about how catnip can enrich your cat’s life and let me tell you, I couldn’t agree more! In my cat thesaurus, cat environment enrichment is two beautiful words:  Nepeta Cataria. Catnip lifts me up into a euphoric frenzy that’s hard to explain, it feels so good! I wish you could try it but I heard that catnip has a more sedative and calming effect on humans. Catnip tea anyone?

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How to survive trips to the vet with your head held high

A survival guide for coping with trips to the vet from a senior cat.

cat on vet table

Sarabi copes with visits to the vet by thinking of her happy space, catnip on a hot Summer’s day.

It’s 8:10 am and it’s time to leave the house to get to the vet on time but Fluffy is nowhere to be seen. You frantically search under every bed, in the cupboards and even the shower (well, because cats are weird like that and you’re half expecting to find him there, but of course he’s not) and there is no sign of him. Fluffy has sniffed something sinister a mile away and it smells like “vet checkup!” For most cats, myself included, this Houdini tactic is something we have all done at some point in our nine lives. But today I would like to let you in on my transition from a cat who bolted from the cat carrier to a grand old dame who cheerfully hops inside and loves feeling the wind in her whiskers. Well, not today, though, it was -20 degrees celsius and I was certain my old bones would not take kindly to frozen whisker syndrome for the first time, so I settled for the back seat of the car, in a cat carrier. (Yes, I know, boring!)

Think of your happy space, like chin sritches, or butterflies in summer

Now for all you seasoned cats out there, you might knowingly blink at a few points, you might flick your tail in disbelief or you might just start washing your paws in embarrassment. But for the youths out there, let this old lady Bengal (that’s moi!) give you a few pointers on how to survive the trip to the vet with your dignity intact.

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