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Help us Shine a Light on Pet Adoption #RememberMeThursday

Remember me Thursday pet adoption

Last updated February 22nd, 2018

We are delighted to be teaming up with Helen Woodward Animal Center for a very special event, Remember Me Thursday®, to be held on September 28, 2017. This unique worldwide event honors those pets who have lost their lives while waiting for their forever homes and shines a light on those still waiting. Here at the Chirpy Cats household, we get excited and emotional when talking about pet adoption, since we have 8 adopted cats abandoned for various reasons and we want to spread the word and meow it from the rooftops cat trees!

Imagine being behind bars for a crime you didn’t commit. Even worse, you don’t have a voice and your days are numbered, there is no one to help you. You wake from your bad dream and smile when you glance over to your purry kitty sleeping on your pillow next to you. But for many innocent animals waiting in shelters, it’s not just a bad dream, life behind bars with no voice is their sad reality. We need your help to be their voice by spreading the word about orphan shelter pets and by amplifying awareness about their plight. The countdown to Remember Me Thursday is two weeks from now, so mark your calendars to set social media abuzz with talk about pet adoption on September 28!

Did you know?

Each year, over 3.4 million orphan shelter pets lose their lives without finding their forever home. Source: The Humane Society of the United States 2013

“Millions of beautiful, adoptable pets will lose their lives in 2017,” states Mike Arms, President and CEO of Helen Woodward Animal Center. “We all come from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, but together, we can raise our voices and share one life-saving message and literally save millions of pets on this one day.”

In the previous four years of the campaign, 164 countries supported the movement with hundreds of thousands of individuals and more than 500 separate animal welfare organizations around the globe holding candle-lighting ceremonies of their own, spreading the message on social media, visiting the Remember Me Thursday website or lighting a virtual candle.

Highlights from 2016 Remember Me Thursday Campaign

338 million+social media impressions
Celebrity involvement (Ian Somerhalder, Beth Stern, Jackson Galaxy and many more)
Thousands enteredto win money, food and toys for their favorite shelter or rescue group.

What you can do to make the 2017 Remember Me Thursday event even more awesome

There are tons of ways to get involved, but let’s start with the obvious, tell as many people you know about Remember Me Thursday and get tongues wagging for a good cause.

On September 28, 2017, let’s get the entire world talking about pet adoption. #RememberMeThursdayClick To Tweet
  1. Tweet, tag and share what it means to you to save the life of an orphan pet, to have loved and lost an orphan pet and to honor those who have run out of time in shelters, waiting to know what it feels like to sleep on your bed. Visit the Candle Gallery and light your virtual candle.
  2. Win Life-saving funds and food for your favorite shelter by entering your rescue pet’s photo on the #RememberTheRescue photo wall
  3. Join the movement by signing up to receive updates and reminders.

There are even downloadable graphics to use for your social media shares and don’t forget to use the hashtags #RememberTheRescue.

Other ways to get involved

  • Check your local events listings on Facebook for organizations in your area hosting Remember me Thursday® events.
  • Organize a fun candle walk with friends and neighbors who have adopted rescue pets.
  • Hold a pet food fundraiser for your local shelter at your workplace or school. And if there is place for an extra cuddle buddy on your pillow, why not jump right in and adopt an orphan pet!
  • Download the official Remember Me Thursday® song on iTunes, “This Candle Burns Bright” by Stevie Woodward. This is a beautiful song and I dare you to listen to it with dry eyes. Don’t blame the onions.

What’s that in the box?

This year I had the privilege to have met with the wonderful team from the Helen Woodward Animal Center at the BlogPaws conference and I told them how much I enjoyed sharing the buzz on social media last year. They sent us a media kit filled with a few goodies and big Chirpy Charlie decided to take a nap right in the middle of a photo shoot. Maybe he remembers his days behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit, waiting for his forever home.

Chirpy Charlie Remember me thursday

Charlie photobombs a photoshoot. It’s okay, he remembers.

And what was Mr. Jack doing? Wearing his bandana with pride!

cat wears bandana remember me thursday

A huge thank you to Christina from the HWAC for reaching out to us to be a part of this wonderful event.

Don’t forget to use the hashtags #RememberMeThursday and #RememberTheRescue on social media. How will you be participating? Please chirp us a line in the comments.

About the author

The Lady Cat

Whiskers make me smile.
Coffee is good for you.
And cats are for life.
Helping cats live enriched lives with their people.
(Yasaar Nakchbendi)


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