Celebrating 20 years of TNR at South African University
Last updated February 22nd, 2018
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It’s the first time i’m hearing about university campus cats, but I’m loving the idea! Chong must be loved by all the students!
Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential recently posted…“Stop Meowing and Go the F*ck to Sleep” is here!
The students and staff alike adore him and his siblings. Their program has been so successful that it has been implemented at other institutions across South Africa. Plus having the cats as environmentaly friendly rodent control has won the university the Green Award. 👍🏼
That sounds like a great program. I wish there were more of these.
Thank you for introducing us to TUFCAT! They sound like an awesome group. And yes, Chong has gorgeous whiskers!
They really are awesome and they’ve done so much to change perceptions about feral cats.
Paws up to this great TNR program!
The Island Cats recently posted…What’s That Wally Doing?
What a great idea for a university to adopt! So many mutual benefits.
How great is that. And what a handsome boy.
What a great idea and what a fantastic looking cat!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Yippee for TNR programs around the world! Thank you!
My Grandfather is from Johannesburg…..YAY for S.Africa!!
Joburg, super awesome! And yes I’m so proud of my home country and home town for the stellar work they are doing for these kitties. Twenty years ago the university resisted as they were thought of as just cats and a nuisance. But now the university admin is one hundred percent committed as they see the benefits of working ferals. 👍🏼
Twenty years? WOW. purrs
That’s fantastic! What a sweet boy 🙂
What a terrific opportunity! I love that TNR is becoming such a popular thing around the world. Chong is a very handsome mancat. I’m glad he decided to come out and say hello. 🙂
What a sweet and gorgeous cat! And I love the TNR story. It always makes me happy to hear about communities that embrace this concept. It really is the most humane way to handle these feral kitties. It’s something that’s really taken hold in Oregon, and I’m so glad to see it.
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie