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George the cat was here

George the pariah cat, was not always confident...
Creating more vertical space reassured him that
he has his own space to time-share with the rest
of the Chirpies.

Why your cat needs a catio superhighway. Let’s go up!

Last updated September 30th, 2019

All cats want to go up! The catio highway or better known as the “superhighway” if you’re a Jackson Galaxy fan of ‘catification’ is the perfect platform for surveying territory and owning space. Here, best friends George and Mr. Jack are enjoying the peace and tranquility of their superhighway in the catio at sunset after dinner. Seeing George assert his presence confidently by scratching and climbing is a wonderful site.

Because it wasn’t always so…

Cat scratching on post on the catio
I would like to say “George the cat was here”
Cat snoozing on catio highway
After dinner sunset snooze. This is the cat life.
Cat looks out from his highway
The world is so much more interesting from up here.
Cat on the catio highway
What’s this thing dangling, oh just some leaves.

George, the pariah cat, would hide away on top of a cabinet in the basement and was never part of the cat clan. Living in a multi-cat household, we knew we had to increase their territory and I was certain that building the catio would help him come out of his shell.

We had built our catio in three stages and made many modifications along the way, with recommendations from our feline crew. In fact, it was the cats who shaped it and made it what it is today. Today, George has learned that he doesn’t need to hide away, that he can own and time-share certain areas, indoors and outdoors. The catio has allowed him to be brave and mark his spot with confidence.

Quick tip for building your first catio:
When starting out building your catio, do not become too overwhelmed by getting it right the first time. You will learn along the way by trial and error and your cats will surely be providing some input by letting you know if there is a design flaw.

Modern Furniture For Cats

It has to be easily accessible to reach the top from the ground yet still provide a challenge for their wild instincts. The platforms or ramps have to feel sturdy and solid, otherwise, your cat will avoid it. If it’s too steep or leads to nowhere without any escape routes, kitty would be showing you his ground-dwelling skills, sitting next to the flower pots.

Cats relaxing in catio
cats lazing in tunnel catio
Cats lazing in the tunnel on either side of the ‘central station’ in the catio

Sometimes you have a design in mind, but your cats know better!

Read more on how you can create a safe outdoor space in my in-depth post on How to build a catio your cats will love.

You can also read my guest post about catios at Cat Lady Confidential and Cat Wisdom 101

Have you built your kitties a playhouse? How have they inspired your designs? We would love to hear from the kitties and their humans.

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About the author

The Lady Cat

Whiskers make me smile.
Coffee is good for you.
And cats are for life.
Helping cats live enriched lives with their people.
(Yasaar Nakchbendi)


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