When life hands you icicles, make an icicle crunch sundae.
It’s Ollie here and I’m presenting this week’s Meowvelous Monday Haiku. We’re in a cold snap at the moment but I don’t let that freeze my lifestyle. I spent a good portion of yesterday chasing icicles. It’s quite fun actually and pretty soon I had my pals join in the fun too. My brother Baggy was a little miffed that he didn’t start it first. After all, he is the king of testing gravity. Read More
Wake up bright and early, come on, off to work you go! I will leave you with just one little gem for my Marvelous Monday Haiku. I hope you feel inspired, ready to embrace new challenges today and for the rest of the week. Read More
All cats want to go up! The catio highway or better known as the “superhighway” if you’re a Jackson Galaxy fan of ‘catification’ is the perfect platform for surveying territory and owning space. Here, best friends George and Mr. Jack are enjoying the peace and tranquility of their superhighway in the catio at sunset after dinner. Seeing George assert his presence confidently by scratching and climbing is a wonderful site.
Happy Monday and welcome to our second edition of Marvelous Monday Haiku with me, Mr. Jack. Let’s face it, Mondays are a little ‘meh’ and doesn’t score very well in the inspirational department but I have something up my fur sleeves for you. Now, I’m no Einstein (and my humans can attest to that, in fact, I’m the class clown) but I invite you to stoically follow your path, even if it seems a little daunting at first. Abandon those cobwebs of procrastination and reap the rewards of determination. Yes, you read that right, us cats have a lot on our minds. Contrary to exaggerated urban legend and tired old cat stereotypes, we are constantly having to make calculated decisions and challenging our game, like “Do I give chase now or three milliseconds later?” or “How high do I have to jump to get into the food cupboard?” Our brains are constantly on the alert for potential threats and our reflexes are designed to react in a heartbeat, even in our sleep. So as you browse through my gallery of haiku I hope that the parallels you see between our universe and your’s will take the ‘meh’ out of your Monday.
There's something aheadCoaxing me to carry onWhat is that, a bee?
So many things ringLoudly in my head up closeThoughts of giving up.
I will go back nowReality is a blurI'll never get far.
Evil thoughts be gone!Calling through the maze I reachMy true destiny.
My journey is donePeaceful tranquil slumber landSun puddling with friends.
Look me in the eyeGo on and work your magicYour week has begun.
How about you? Are you a procrastinator or do you take the mouse by the whiskers? We’d love to hear from the humans and their kitties below.