How to grow catnip from seed without a green thumb
Last updated March 2nd, 2021
Catnip is a hardy perennial herb of the mint family bearing aromatic leaves attractive to cats. Follow these step-by-step instructions on growing your own and keep your cats happy and enriched!
We have a few things in common, my cats and I. We like laptops, long catnaps on a Caturday morning, and our recreational herb of choice, catnip! Of course, I don’t like catnip for the same reasons the cats do; you won’t find me head shaking and wriggling in ecstasy on the kitchen floor (well, maybe if I’m trying to fish out an old cat toy stuck under the fridge, but that’s no fun). No, instead of catnip parties, I prefer catnip in my nighttime tea blend.
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) is a staple in our house and is a great form of cat enrichment for any cat. Since we host many nighttime catnip parties for the kitties while sipping on my nighttime tea blend, it made sense to start growing our own. What’s really satisfying is knowing that this catnip came from our garden with zero pesticides or fertilizers. The Chirpies get to enjoy their favorite herb freshly cut during early summer during the growing season or dried throughout the winter months. When the promise of Spring is around the corner it’s always exciting to get a head start with the catnip seeds indoors while waiting for the last frost. In our climate, this could be as late as April or May.
If you love spoiling your cat with catnip why not grow your own? You don't need a green thumb as it's one of the easiest and most prolific plants that need very little care.Click To TweetYou can grow catnip either by buying a few plants in the herb section of your local nursery or growing it from seed. Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to grow catnip from seed, along with some tips on care. But firstly let’s explore why catnip is the bee’s knees of all herbs…
Benefits of catnip for your kitties
Our previous post on catnip focused on the use of catnip for environment enrichment and below is a recap:
Catnip can be used to encourage your cat to use his scratching postCatnip is a mood booster for depressed or grieving cats
It can enhance your interactive play sessions
Can encourage your couch potato to get moving!
Catnip is a fun way to ‘spice’ up treat time without the bad calories of edible treats!
Can be used effectively when introducing cats, the perfect ice-breaker!
Spruce up old tired cat toys by marinating in a tin with catnip
Catnip is non-addictive, so sniff up kitties!
May temporarily improve appetite in sick and older cats
Catnip has zero calories versus edible treats laden with all things bad for kitty. I went through a phase where the cats trained me to give them treats every night and it became a bad habit that I needed to break.
Benefits of catnip for humans
With all these benefits for cats, what’s in it for the humans? Plenty actually. I once found Scout, our tortie cat very attracted to the aroma of my nighttime tea blend. It’s no wonder, catnip is listed as one of the ingredients right next to other well-known calming herbs such as passionflower and chamomile. Yes, catnip has mild sedative properties for humans so it makes sense to be included in a bedtime brew. But Scout’s curious kitty nostrils detected the vapors of nepetalactone, the key compound present in catnip. I’ve since learned how to grow this magical herb so that both the cats and the humans can benefit from its wonderful properties.
Sorry, Scout, catnip tea is not for kittiesThe plant has been used in herbal medicine and cooking since medieval times and was a favorite as a remedy for colic in babies, relieving menstrual cramps, relieving stress, anxiety, insomnia, stomach cramps (due to its antispasmodic properties) and many other ailments. It’s also used for meat tenderizing, in cooking as a herb as well as an insect repellent, especially effective against mosquitos. A few freshly crushed leaves rubbed on arms and legs works like a charm on those warm humid summer evenings hanging out with the Chirpies in their catio. There is not enough scientific evidence to prove catnip’s effectiveness in preventing fleas, but it’s worth having catnip in your garden. I have to report that we are lucky not to have had any fleas in the past.
Things you should know about planting catnip
Catnip grows best outside in full sun. If you have to grow it indoors, make sure it receives at least 6 hours of full sun every day Catnip can be grown in containers for inside or balconies but would require more watering Catnip is a hardy herbaceous perennial and comes back more robust every year. Catnip also grows in part shade. In fact, in In hotter climates, it is better to ensure that the plant gets some shade to protect from the harsh afternoon sun. Some people find the odor of catnip to be slightly skunk-like so if you find this to be the case then indoor growing may not be suitable for you. I find coffee to smell skunk-like but I still enjoy drinking it anyway! Don’t be surprised if your neighbor’s cat suddenly decides that your backyard is the coolest place to be. For this reason, you can protect your catnip plants with an arched-shaped piece of wire mesh. This way any enthusiastic rubbing and licking by cats would not damage the plant base. Catnip plants are prolific, spreading easily and in some places it can be seen as a weed. If you don’t want your garden taken over by catnip just be sure to cut the flowers before they go to seed. In addition to this, after planting in pots, bury the whole catnip pot in the garden. This prevents their roots from straying too far and popping up everywhere. Catnip thrives in poor soil and is not really fussy about the substrate it grows in. A less compact, sandy substrate yields a more aromatic harvest of nepetalactone goodness!What you will need to grow catnip
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Prepare the seeds by stratification
Before planting the catnip seeds, they need to be stratified. This is almost like giving the seeds a ‘shock treatment’ or cold treatment to break the dormancy cycle so that they germinate quicker. This is an optional step but I think it’s worth the effort as catnip seeds are tiny but tough! If you don’t stratify the catnip seeds they could take up to four weeks to germinate!
- Place the seeds in a freezer bag and freeze overnight.
- Soak the seeds the next day. Fill a bowl with hot tap water (not boiling water) and sprinkle the seeds in the water. Leave to soak for 12 to 24 hours.
- Do not soak longer than 48 hours
SIDE NOTE: There is a difference between catnip (Nepeta Cataria) and catmint (Nepeta Faassenii). Both have very similar properties and the terms are often used interchangeably but it’s Nepeta Cataria that gives your cat his kicks!
In one of our Caturday Doodles, we explain more about these two related herbs, catnip and catmint.
Voilà! Now that you have mimicked the ‘abuse’ that the seed would have been through in nature, it’s ready for planting. You have also successfully activated the seed’s ‘internal clock’ advising it that it’s safe to germinate!
Sowing your catnip seeds
1. Fill the bottom tray of your seed starting kit with warm water until the little pellets are covered.
2. Soak the pellets for a few minutes. You should see each pellet rise up and puff out as they become soaked, resembling a sponge.
3. Drain off all the excess water from the tray.
4. Gently tear open the middle part of the netting of each pellet to make way for the seeds.
5. Dig a shallow hole in each pellet, about 3mm or 1/8 inch and drop in 3 to 4 catnip seeds in the hole of the pellet.
6. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the pellet mixture and then cover with the plastic cover. The mini greenhouse dome retains warmth and moisture which is the ideal setting for germination to occur.
7. Initially store your catnip greenhouse away from sunlight in a warm dark spot in your home. This could be on top of a shelf, on top of the refrigerator or a wall heater. While waiting for the seeds to germinate spray with water and ensure the pellets do not dry out.
8. After 10 -14 days little green seedlings will appear just above the soil. Your catnip seedlings are now ready to bask in full sunshine, ideally on a south facing windowsill. Keep the seedlings moist and prevent them from drying out by misting with water every day.
9. Be sure to elevate your catnip sprouts out of the way of curiously sniffing feline noses! Once the sprouts start developing their true leaves it already starts giving off a distinctive catnip scent and you don’t want the cats destroying the plant before it has even begun.
10. When all threat of frost is over plant the 4-5 inches high individual catnip plants in their permanent home in the garden or in containers. Plant them about 18-20 inches apart. It may seem like too much space, but these plants grow up to 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall so it’s important to prevent crowding. Water the catnip plants regularly during the first four weeks of growth.
Pinch the catnip sprouts
Spread the love for bushier growth. Frequently prune the catnip for bushier growth by pinching off some shoots and leaves. It encourages more growth and lushness and prevents the catnip from becoming too leggy. Oh and this is where the fun begins; your cat will enjoy these pruning sessions too as they get the off-cuts! Everybody wins!
The hanging catnip highway salad bar
Hanging baskets is an attractive and practical solution for containing catnip plants. It’s easily accessible for the cats to nibble, but the swaying motion deters them from attempting to jump into the basket. I love the eco-friendly coco liners of these hanging baskets and we have a few of them hanging in the catio for kitties’ snacking pleasure. We even keep some baskets out in winter as we discovered that freeze dried catnip or ‘catnipsicles’ is darn tasty too according to Jimmy fancy Feet.
Sly Pie’s word of caution
The wrong way of germinating seeds, don’t ‘incubate’ them. In the Spring, Sly Pie enjoys sitting inside some of the catnip baskets that were left out from last winter. New catnip shoots have emerged and he has taken a liking to ‘incubating’ them. I wonder if he thinks they’ll grow quicker. I think the look below says it all!We hope you try your hand at growing this aromatic wonder herb. Your cat will be getting his kicks from his homegrown greens while you relax with your nighttime tea, all from your own garden! Do you grow catnip and have you tried growing it from seed? Please chirp us a line in the comments!
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Great post. We grow our own nip. I wish silvervine would grow around here.
Ellen Pilch recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Boy oh boy, if we grew some nip out side our ferals sure would be happy!
Brian Frum recently posted…Thankful Thursday Blog Hop: Blooming Season Is Always Better
Imagine that! Endless pawties every night. You’re gonna have to call the cat cops!
Every spring the mom grows a pot of nip from seed for us. We can’t wait for this year’s crop.
The Island Cats recently posted…What’s That Wally Doing?
It’s so exciting isn’t it!? We love it and we hope your little crop has extra punch this year!
As you probably know, Peep #1 is a TOTAL FAILURE when it comes to the growin’ of the nip. As as you probably also know, this is a bit of a sore point at my house as I, Seville the Cat, LOVE the nip, and can’t understand why my peep can’t grow it. Well a kitty has gotta do what a kitty has gotta do so I took matters into my own four paws and ordered me some nip. I’m currently at the stratification stage although I’m doin’ it a little differently than you. I’ve “wintersown” the seeds. They’re planted but the pots are outside bein’ exposed to the elements (although they are sheltered on the veranda). They’ll freeze and thaw and freeze and thaw and HOPEFULLY, when the time is right, germinate. PURRS.
Yes, Seville I remember you lamenting that a while back MOL. That is also a pawsome way of kickstarting your seeds to wake up from slumber! You have to let us know how it goes! All four paws crossed 🤞 here for you!
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous post!!! My dad has told me that he was a very colicky baby, and his mom would give him catnip tea to calm him down!
Melissa & Mudpie recently posted…Unboxing February’s CatLadyBox
Oh thanks you! 🙂 I wish we had known about the benefits of catnip tea long ago!
I luv this post and the pictures to go with make me smile really big! It’s a reminder that Mom needs to replant some nip indoors for me, ’cause the house sitter forgot to water the last pot the plant wilted away. Nip grows outside in Mom’s flower garden every summer and the neighbor’s kitty thinks they’re her plants. Mom forgets to pinch them off so they get “3 feet tall” she says! I like dried nip myself over the fresh plants. Hugs to you and the Chirpies!
Valentine recently posted…(Wordy) Wordless Wednesday: Extra-Amazing Facts About Valentine
OH yes, Valentine, we also like dried nip the best. We also have a neighbor’s kitty called Maggie, that comes by. Maggie is convinced we grow the nip for her MOL Hugs to you Val!
Great post ! And thank you for reminding Claire to grow some nip for us ! Purrs
Another fantastic and informative post! I will be surely referencing it this spring. I’ve never grown fresh catnip, but definitely want to do it this year.
Thanks, it’s definitely one of our favorites, since the humans and kitties like it!
[…] you would like to grow your own, our handy step-by-step instructions will show you how to grow catnip from seed, even if you don’t have a green […]
Post very explanatory, loved it. Gratitude!!
It’s funny that you mention that catnip grows in sort of poorer soil outside, but all the instructions I’ve seen for growing it indoors mentions that it grows in only very well drained (i.e. not sandy or loamy) soil,
Also it may need a fair amount of light for growing outside, but all the wild catnip I’ve ever seen around my neighborhood was always where it is shady most of the time. I also noticed that when the bushes and other vegetation that the wild nip was growing under was cut down, so too went the nip, and it never grew back
Yes, for growing it indoors it will need different conditions in terms of lighting, watering and soil requirements. I don’t grow mine for indoors, although I start the seeds indoors, it eventually gets planted in a sunny area. The catnip in my yard seems to be springing up everywhere each year and growing taller and stronger without me doing anything to it.
Thanks for the very detailed, well written article. Now I know why my catnip seeds took so long to sprout: I didn’t freeze them or soak them before planting. When the catnip plants finally sprouted and grew to be 2-3” tall, my cats destroyed them by rolling them to death. I learned from a friend to cover the plants with loose weave wire baskets so the plant has a chance to become well established. They cats only get to enjoy the leaves outside the protective basket …. as long as you remember to stake the basket securely to the ground😳🙃🐈!
Thank you for your comment Joanne 🙂 Yes I protect the outside catnip crop with wire baskets turned upside down. Once it’s established the neighbour’s cat is welcome to nibble and if she rolls in it she can’t really do any damage. 👍🏼
[…] out our step-by-step instructions on how to grow catnip from seed for a catnip-licious harvest fest that will last you for many wild catnip pawties throughout […]
Nice post!
Thank you for sharing such detailed information. I will start growing catnip now!
James recently posted…Marijuana Fertilizer Reviews | Top Weed Fertilizers to Improve your Crop
At last! Someone on here answering my question. Mine are still young a few weeks, still quite delicate. Now I know to keep them in the backyard until they get sturdy. Thank you so much.
Hi thanks for the blog! We’re growing some catnip from seeds too. They’re a little bunched together the little seedlings, would you recommend thinning them out or can they be separated and transplanted individually?
Hi Fannie,
Either way. You can thin them out. Or when you wish to transfer to bigger pots you can separate them and transplant as individual plants. Good luck!
“Growing catnip from seed looks fun! 😺 I’d love to try this and have my own catnip garden. Plus, I had no idea it could be soothing for humans too! 🍵🌿”
Yes! Catnip tea for the humans in the household is the purrfect complement to watching happy cats enjoy their catnip. 🙂