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Are you letting your cat walk all over you?
It’s a merry white Christmas

Are you letting your cat walk all over you?

Last updated March 12th, 2018

I lay here, unable to move, barely able to stretch my legs for fear of waking a sleeping pile of purring fur at my legs. My neck feels contorted, head shoved off the pillow, and then I open my eyes staring nose to nose at my oldest cat, me graciously accepting a raspy tongue for a second or two. Well wasn’t that a good night’s sleep?!

Cat and his human

Our cats are always hogging our space, wanting to be with us, everywhere. Like many cat people, we practice an open door policy for the bathroom. There’s one cat asleep on the mat next to the shower, there’s another looking curiously from his ‘basin bed.’ I have accepted that cat hair, like invisible floating snowflakes, will always mysteriously land on my mascara wand when applying makeup. This is the complete cat package, one that we would never give up for the world.

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It’s a merry white Christmas

Last updated February 22nd, 2018

Jackaboo the cat sends warm seasons greetings.

Jackaboo and friends wish you a Happy Christmas.

In these turbulent times we wish for nothing more than peace around the world. Our human guardians are blessed because we know that with just one stroke of fur or a rumble of a purr all troubles melt away.

We wish you joy, peace, fulfillment and happiness in whatever holiday it is that you celebrate.

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