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Affirmations and Inspirations

It's a new year and perfect timing to make some changes.
Nothing big, just follow Ollie's example and turn your
world upside down to see things in a new light.

A New Year, A Fresh Purrspective

Cat lies on highway ramp and looks upside down

Last updated January 5th, 2019

It’s that time of the year again when we’re making New Year’s resolutions. Not a fan. Instead, I like affirmations. Because life is like a cat, unpredictable, fast-moving and a little wild. It’s fluid and ever-changing so we need to be open to shift our focus and reboot, which may result in a new and fresh purrspective or a completely different pathway than the one you’ve chosen.

And that’s okay.

Our first Meowvelous Monday Haiku of 2018 started with Charlie’s affirmations where he states his truth:

“I believe in my ability to convince the humans I am starving.”

In the same vein, Ollie expresses his thoughts on keeping it simple and seeing things in a new light.

“When your world turns upside down, change your Purrspective”

This is one of Ollie’s favorite positions; hanging his head upside down from the bridge. I want to see 2019 as Ollie does. No, not exactly living on the edge with my head hanging over a cliff, but just to see something new in the mundane and the everyday. Perhaps turn the map upside down to see my world in a new light. To clear my head of all the clutter and noise and tune in to all of life’s precious purrs around me.

The roadmap of a year gone by

Last year I followed my roadmap. I got stuck along the way, I sometimes rolled backward or deviated from the path. I met up with friends and made new ones. Sometimes I hit a fork and didn’t know which way to go. There were unforeseen roadblocks that forced me around some detours. I also had a few successes and achievements but also lost a furry soul along the way. And then there were times I had to stop and recharge when I knew I was going to run on empty.

It’s okay to have a guide or roadmap, but also to accept that it’s impossible to accomplish everything you had intended. Because, LIFE!

2018 was an interesting and wonderful road trip indeed and I am thankful to all of you for being part of our journey.

So, what was trending at our blog in 2018?

Below are just a few posts…

9 Ways catnip can enrich your cat’s life

Turn your catio into a cat paradise with this easy fountain hack

How to change the world with one unique paw shake

Why I Write About Cats and my WIPIN Rising Star Award!

Create a Spooky-licious Cat Salad Bar that’s frightfully easy with colorful water beads

Just for sitz and giggles!

And now for a bit of a giggle courtesy of the two “Yoots” Ollie and his brother Baggie. When we checked out our Best Nine on Instagram the top position was taken by a video which got over 1,670 views. A silly 4-second video of these two identical tabby brothers running back inside through the tunnel at lightning speed all because it started raining!

The second top position was taken by our recently departed Angel Earl Grey drinking at the catio watering hole, sipping slowly and quietly. It’s so fitting that these two videos made it to the top positions as it pretty much sums up the past year. The ‘cat race’ trying to get things done juxtaposed with the introspection and bonding time spent caring for a senior cat and seeing him off to his next journey.

Chirpy Cats best nine 2018

View it on Instagram!

What was your year like and what will you change in 2019? My hope is that whatever you do, whether it’s living on the edge like Ollie or planning your next big project, that occasionally, you turn your world upside down, in a good way, and discover something new that will be your inspiration for the rest of 2019. Happy New Year!

For more enrichment ideas and DIY cat hacks follow us!



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About the author

The Lady Cat

Whiskers make me smile.
Coffee is good for you.
And cats are for life.
Helping cats live enriched lives with their people.
(Yasaar Nakchbendi)


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  • a may bee knot sew much post ree lated commint 😊

    stopping bye with a new yeerz toon
    wood sure bee nice if this waz joon
    coz oh everee thing we bee a wishin…
    weed bee ona boat N due in sum fishin

    happee new yeer frum de frozen tun dra called trout towne~ !!

    • Heh heh hey trout tabbies, you always make us smile! Returning from a long vacation in South Africa, I sure wish it were June right now. We’re stuck in a frozen tundra with a catio filled with icicles and too much snow! Wishing you all the best for 2019 xx

  • I so enjoyed reading this post, and I particularly love your take on affirmations as opposed to resolutions. You’re so right about the ability to what is essentially going with the flow, I liked how you described the past year, and how it went while following a plan. It will certainly be interesting to see how the new one unfolds, and I look forward to reading more about life from a different perspective.

    • Thank you! I just returned from a long break in South Africa so essentially my year is only starting in mid-February! 😉
      Feeling rejuvenated with a clutter-free and clean slate I hope to continue to share great content! I wish you a prosperous 2019!

  • First of all, your garden always looks SO AMAZING! My guys are a little jealous as our yard is not so nice!

    I am not big on resolutions either. I tend to go with themes for each year – this allows for some wiggle room and interpretation. I love your idea of turning the map (or world) upside down for a new perspective. I make plans, but I always leave room for detours and change.

  • Congratulations on rocking 2018. A win for best cat blog – and all the CWA honors – and the Women in Pets Industry … I know you’d give any of those up for a few more minutes with Earl Grey. But it shows that you are making a difference in the lives of cats – and what better way to honor EG’s memory?
    mommakatandherbearcat recently posted…The cats vs. the kitty loving kidsMy Profile

    • Thank you for those kind words. I am indeed grateful for all those accolades and you’re right, honoring his memory with helping enrich cats lives makes perfect sense. Earl Grey and Sarabi provided the seeds for this blog to grow into what it is today 🙂

      Wishing you a wonderful 2019. I am not sure if I can make the CWA this year, but if I do I hope to see you again xx

  • 2018 had ups and downs but I try to stay as positive as possible through it all. 2019 is going to be tough in the beginning but hopefully will even out, my main goal is to keep Layla healthy and happy.

    • Yes, that should always be at the top of the list, right? With the loss of the one senior, i have another senior cat to look out for, as well as the other Chirpies. Their health and well-being are of utmost importance.

  • What a wonderful look back at 2018. I’m so glad we got the opportunity to spend time together at CWA in Houston. I’m not making a roadmap this year, either. When I do, and it doesn’t get followed as mapped out, it makes me very anxious and sad. I’m going to make each day the best it can be for me, Lola, and Lexy. One main goal I’m going to set for myself is not to compare myself, or my blog, to others. No one is the same, and all the differences make the world a better place.

    • That is an excellent way to go. Another thing I’ve learned is not to spread myself too thin and disappoint myself when I cannot keep up. Adequate sleep and exercise is also going to be at the top of my list for 2019!

  • Congratulations on all you accomplished in 2018. I hope this year is just as great. We share a somewhat similar mission. I can only hope be as successful someday. I’m fighting that imposter syndrome.

    My cats are super jealous of your cat’s catio. We like ours but our yard is full of cars (mechanics you know), so we have to stick with making our backdeck super awesome and garden in pots.
    Emilia recently posted…The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Cats: The Cat Friendly Hotel EditionMy Profile

  • Although I have limited experience with cats, I think your comparison of life and cats is spot on. I always love seeing photos and videos of your cats in their catio. I hope you have a great 2019!

  • You and the Chirpies had lots of positive things happen in 2018 fur sure. Mom says she’s going to try to slow things down for herself a little bit in 2019, so she doesn’t feel so rushed and overwhelmed. I hope that means more pets for me and catnaps in her lap!

  • Yes, I am with you. I do not make resolutions, but rather set some goals I hope to achieve!

    I am so sorry about the loss of your beautiful Earl Grey.

    I am definitely a fan of “When your world is upside down, change your purrr (or per)spective! Have to say, that’s a favorite of mine now!

    Happy New Year!

  • In 2018, I was able to get to know you better while attending the CWA conference. Your personality, creativity, sense of humor, and caring have make you a very special person to me. Thank you for contributing to the 2019 Blogging Cats Weekly Planner this year. Looking forward to seeing you at the CWA conference again this year.

  • It’s always a good idea to look back before moving forward. I love your best nine! As I head towards a milestone blogging about cats (since 2008), it’s time to shift gears. All the best for 2019!

  • You had a wonderful 2018. We were so proud of your accomplishments at CWA last year and Mom Paula loved getting to know you better. Will you be at CWA again this year??? We hope so!!!

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