Marvelous Monday Haiku: Someday my Spring will come!
Last updated March 12th, 2018
It’s the first day of Spring and we are marking this fresh new beginning with some Marvelous Monday Haiku to get you started on the right footing. If you’re anything like The Big Lady Cat, you are still recovering from the Daylight Savings Time clock change debacle and your Mondays will still be tinged with “meh”. There is nothing worse than a blue-tinged Monday, except I think when your catio is still paw-deep in snow and you have to wade through it because the humans won’t shovel it. But never mind, we are positive and looking on the bright side; we will soon be seeing the buds on the vine and saying goodbye to our white-tinged catio.
There is so much to look forward to; out with the old, in with the new, bright, budding and blooming. Shake off that brooding dark cloud that dampens your spirits and as the snow melts, imagine all your burdens melting away too.
What about you? Do you love Spring as much as we do?
Love from
P.S. And if you don’t believe us about how we have to shovel snow ourselves, here is video evidence. Yes, we know, quite unacceptable, don’t you think!
I’ve never been more happy to see spring even if there is a a foot of snow! I don’t miss Montreal winters ;-0
I don’t blame you! And one can’t be sure it’s over just yet, but I’m hopeful we’re done with the white stuff 👍
Omigosh! You’ll hear no complaints from us about winter weather here! But we’re pretty sure it’s moved on. Looks like you got it all! :O
Linda Arthur Tejera recently posted…Sunday Trees – 279
We always get a huge storm in March, we hope it’s the last one 👍😸
Wow you guys got buried!!! I LOVE that video!!!! The music is purrfect!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Spring has Sprung!!
Yes! I still can’t open the catio door unless I do some hard shoveling to get to it. The snow is almost thigh deep in our backyard!
That’s a LOT of snow! Spring may be here, officially, but we’re still stuck in nothing but rain, rain, rain. We might start building a boat!
We’re hopeful it will all be gone soon, although it has been known to snow as late as April sometimes! We’ll be getting our fair share of rain too before the good weather begins. Happy Spring!
Holy cat!!! That is A LOT of snow! Congratulations on being named a finalist in two categories of the Nose-to-nose Awards … it’s a much deserved honor and we feel honored to call you our friends. Gorgeous photos of your beautiful clowder!
mommakatandherbearcat recently posted…Best cat
Awe… thank you for your kind words, we feel honored too, to be fellow finalists with such fine bloggers in this wonderful community. Happy Spring, friend!
We are looking forward to Spring here too after foot of snow last week. Congratulations on being a finalist in the nose to nose.
Ellen Pilch recently posted…A-Z Theme Reveal
Thank you so much!
Whoa! We hope all that snow disappears soon.
The Island Cats recently posted…FroliCat® Multi Laser Review and Giveaway
I doesn’t really look much like spring here either after nearly 3 feet of snow last week…but it’s melting and the sun is shining so things are looking up!
Melissa & Mudpie recently posted…Mudpie Interviews…Moriarty from Elementary, She Read (w/Review & Giveaway)
Wow ! That’s a lot of snow ! We hope Spring will come soon ! Purrs
The Swiss Cats recently posted…Quel âge a votre chat ?
Your haikus are the best…and so is this video! Your kitties are so brave in that snow. Sadly, our cats will likely never know the white stuff.
Thank you! A lot of them like the snow, especially Jimmy. It was very funny to see him be the first to plonk into the snow like a cartoon character, as he sank and then “swam” out to pave the way for the rest MOL! Mr Jack on the other hand, is absent from these snow adventures and prefers higher, solid ground. Your kitties are lucky they don’t have to “shovel” snow MOL
[…] They’re not opposable thumbs, but they do give me a certain edge when it comes to things like shoveling snow in the catio after a winter storm. Yes, snowshoeing is one of my favorite winter games. My paws also have great […]