A cheekful of Autumn Vine
Last updated on January 11th, 2018 at 01:30 am
Can you feel it? Can you hear it? The crisp cool air, the captivating frisson of colour everywhere and the crispy crunch of ‘leaf Fall’. But the bugs are leaving and Mr Spider is about to pack his bags goodbye so what’s a kitty to do? Well, perhaps spend more time at the indoor watering hole or do more laptop time. But if you’re an outdoorsy kind of cat that also loves silver vine (Actinidia Kolomikta), then you’d be wise to spend your mornings claiming your spot. What’s so special about the silver vine plant during the Fall? The twigs are exposed when the leaves fall making them more attractive and accessible to kitty noses. Not a cat goes by without stopping in their tracks and rubbing against the vine, spreading a cheekful of pure vine goodness on their fur.
Old grandpa Earl Grey Ninhsy and Scout get their share of vine loving at the vine corner of the catio.
Watch the one minute video below where Scout enjoys walking the circumference of her catio.
What are your kitties’ extra curricular activities like during these colder days? Are they doing more laptop time snuggling with you or do you have some outdoor adventurous types in your kitty lair? Chirp us a line below!
Your catio is the coolest! Love the video and all of the pictures!
Thank you 🙂 In a few months it will all be covered with the white stuff!
Will probably lend itself to some pretty pictures!
It was in the 40s when we got up this a.m., and the kitties have spent most of the day competing for sun puddles. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Oh yes I can imagine! It was really cold out today here too!
Such lucky kitties to have a paradise like the catio. We know it is cold by how many kitties we wake up with in bed.
So true, there seems to be more furry heating pads on top of us, maybe that explains my sore neck! MOL
You have your own silver vine plant? That’s pawsome! It’s getting cooler here too.
Yes we do! They really put on a show in the summer when the leaves apices turn white and pink and they bear little kiwi fruits. But most of all, the cats adore it! 😸
Cody is sooo jealous!! He wishes he had a catio paradise like you have! Loved that video!!
Awe thanks for watching, and I have to say I love Cody boy! 😽
Is dat a silvervine plant? MeOW, where do you get it. We would luv to grow us one. Ya’ll sure are blest.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
What a cool catio ! You’re lucky to have your own silvervine plant ! Purrs
Hi, just coming over from CatWisdom101 where I saw your guest post. Love your catio! We have lots of catnip in our garden, but we don’t let our cats outside anymore for safety issues. The neighborhood cats come over to party! I bring clippings and plants inside for our cats. I would love to grow silvervine. Lemmon grass is a nice idea for people and cats too.
Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red
Hi there and thanks for dropping by. I can just imagine how the neighbours’ cats must love the catnip! And yes, we love the lemongrass too, in fact, it’s one of the cats’ favourite after catnip and the silver vine 🙂
You are a very good looking bunch!
Oh! You kitties are so lucky! We love silvervine! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang