Happiness in the tunnel

A buzz in the air
As I sprinted through the vines
But where are my friends in stripey yellow jackets?

Meowvelous Monday Haiku: Chirp the sound of Spring

Closeup of cat eating a leaf

The snow has just melted and rain showers have halted for now. The cats and humans are hopeful we can finally put away the winter clothes and say hello to flowers in a few weeks.

There are no buds on the vine yet but in a few weeks, the catio should be surrounded by a delicate curtain of green laced with pink and white leaves. There is no backdrop more calming than that. I hand you over to Sly Pie who seemed to rejoice to be in his happy places, the tunnels.

Hi there, I’m Sly Pie and I’m presenting this week’s Meowvelous Monday Haiku. I have to tell you how excited I am that the white stuff has disappeared for good. Well, I cannot say “for good” because it seems to return every time after the leaves fall. I wonder if that’s because the Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle as it revolves around the sun. Mmmm, I don’t know about that. Sometimes I think I shouldn’t listen to Mr. Jack and his tall tales!

As I sprinted through the bare tunnels, I imagined the lush green canopy of vine leaves tickling my ears as I walked by. I could hear the sweet trickle of a fountain somewhere between the flower pots. I could hear the buzz of the little fluffy things with yellow stripey jackets that fly around my catnip bush. They’re alright because the Lady Cat says our planet cannot exist without them. This Summer I’d like to ask him how does he purr like that!

But in reality, there is no buzz in the air, there is no trickling stream.

Just the insolent tweets from the birds in the tree, always teasing, always taunting.

But with the melting of the snow, there were some interesting relics uncovered from last Fall. Some were the leaves the lazy humans had left in my condo. I also found some windswept pieces of the lemongrass. And Scout found her “mouse in sheep’s clothing” fluffy toy that was hibernating in the snow all winter.

Sometimes it’s the little surprises like these that make my #catworldproblems seem minuscule in comparison. They keep my paws grounded as I patiently wait for all the sweet things to come.

I shall sit here in the tunnel and wait for the Earth to complete its full revolution around the sun so that I can have my catnip and watch my friends in yellow stripey jackets pollinate our world!

Happy Earth day furriends!

Tell me, what are the good things you are looking forward to?

  • See what lies beneath
    After the snow has melted
    My treasures unearthed
  • Pouncing through the tunnel
    The rain stood still for today
    While the sun smiled briefly
  • A blur of white paws
    Happy vines through condos wind
    Chirp the song of Spring
  • Hello, little bird
    Why do you tweet your cheeky chirps?
    Can't we co-exist?
  • The tunnel is bare
    But there's a charge in the air
    My hook tail swivels
  • cat sitting in catio tunnelWhere is the catnip?
    I see a vision of Summer
    Of buds aplenty!

About the author

Chirpy Cats

We are a clowder of cheeky chirpy felines sharing our space with two humans who adore us. We love to share tips on helping cats live enriched lives with their people and other fun cat stuff.


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