Monday Haiku: The Pathway to Purrfection
Last updated November 9th, 2017
Hello furriends! Happy Monday from me, Mr. Jack. If you know anything about me, you know that my main tasks here at the Chirpy household is to keep the peace and spread the communal scent through grooming everyone in my path, heck, even human feet. But that is not the only reason I groom. I also like to groom my coat to keep it in tip-top shape for my selfies. I like my fur and whiskers all in place. But there comes a time when striving for perfection can become stifling, exhausting and rather energy-draining. In today’s haiku, I leave you with my eye-opening realization as I lay on a bed of Autumn leaves…
To start your Monday on the right paw, have a perfect day, but be sure to add a dash of “a little less perfect” and a pinch of “disarray”. Your state of mind will thank you for it.
With Love from
Mr. Jack (CCSF)
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[madmimi id=866506]
Mr. Jack, you are purrfection itself! I absolutely love your photos and the Haikus are purrfect!
You are bery wise Mr. Jack!
Brian Frum recently posted…Mancat Monday: An Update on Best Friends Village in NC
Mr. Jack,
There are many felines who blog but few who can turn a phrase of Haiku like you! Meow!
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Alberto and the Tribe of Five
You do look purrfect, Mr. Jack.
The Island Cats recently posted…Cleaning Day
You are a handsome boy.
Ellen Pilch recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?
Brulee always has some disarray with her fur!
Mr Jack, you have my heart. Forever and ever!
Three Chatty Cats recently posted…Emily Jane Goes Home! #FosterFriday
Awe! That’s so sweet, thank you!
Oh, Mr. Jack, a fine bit of Haiku that was! Mom & I heart you! That is a nice pile of leaves you got there. I like to nibble on one every once in awhile when the doggie tracks one in the house or if one blows in the garage. Do you? I love how they crinkle! Chin rubs!
You are one perfect tabby Mr. Jack.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…Instinctive Love #ChewyInfluencer
Cats can groom for hours, with a dedication for perfection. One of my cats lays on her side and chases her own tail for hours every day. The coat won’t groom itself, and the tail won’t chase itself. Someone’s got to do it. Professional groomers and tail-chasers should never be out of work.