How to make your own joy when your friend is being a sourpuss.
Hello furriends! I am delighted to introduce our first Caturday Voodle and we hope you like it!
What the cat is a #caturdayvoodle, you may ask?
As some of you may know most Caturdays we feature Caturday Doodles which include drawings of our unique ‘cat-pinions’ and other catitudes. Since we like doing cat videos too, we have created a new segment in Cat Fun called Caturday Voodles which will include some funny little video and voice snippets of us Chirpies doing what we do best; whether it’s causing mischief, playing with our toys, snoozing, playing patty-cake and other fun cat stuff. As we always insist that our voices be heard, our Caturday Voodles also include our unique voices too! So there you have it, that’s a Caturday Voodle!
But enough jabbering on about that! I want to share with you why I feel inspired.